In this fast-moving world, we all somehow lost our mental peace due to which we lacked energy and felt laziness, depression, anxiety, and much more stress-related traumas. So to keep you mentally fit and strong today I am going to share with you 10 simple and easy yoga asanas which are best for mental health.
10 Best Yoga Asanas for Mental Health on a daily basis, According to some research it was found that yoga can significantly improve your mental health. Doing yoga every day will boost your mental health and feel more at ease, it will also keep your body in shape. You can try these 10 Simple And Easy Yoga Asanas. These are some of the most effective asanas for improving your mental health on a regular basis.
Now, here are some questions that will come up in your mind- Can anxiety be cured by yoga? or Why is yoga good for mental health?. Then my answer is Yes, yoga will definitely help in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Yoga is also considered good for mental health. You can try these yoga asanas best for mental health.
If you're depressed or anxious, then these 10 Simple And Easy Yoga Asanas will be beneficial for maintaining your mental health. Each pose has health advantages, and the best part is that they're all safe and easy to do. If you're dealing with sadness or anxiety, then these 10 simple and easy yoga positions for improving your mental health are an excellent way to start your day.
10 Yoga Asanas Best For Mental Health
1. TADASANA (Mountain Pose)2. BALASANA (Child Pose)
3. SHAVASANA (Corpse Pose)
4. UTTANASANA (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
5. VRKSASANA (Tree Pose)
6. SETUBANDHASANA (The Bridge Posture)
7. MAKARASANA (Crocodile Posture)
8. VAJRASANA (Simple Sitting Pose)
9. NATARAJASANA (Lord Of The Dance Pose)
1. TADASANA (Mountain Pose):
Mountain pose is one of the excellent yoga poses for mental health that you could do when you're feeling down. Tada signifies a mountain or palm tree. It's a standing pose. The goal of this asana is to achieve stability and stiffness. It is easy to do and does not require any equipment.
Features Of Tadasana:
- It aids in the decongestion of spinal nerves.
- It helps to ease stress, aches, and pains all throughout the body.
- Blood circulation is improved, and you feel more energized and joyful.
- It aids in the reduction of anxiety.
- Stand on your feet 2 inches apart and your arms by your sides.
- Check that your heels and big toes are in contact.
- Raise your heels off the ground and stand on your toes.
- Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds.
- Exhale and lower your heels.
- Return to a standing position.
It should not be used for acute heart issues, varicose veins, or vertigo.
2. BALASANA (Child Pose):
In Balasana the Bal denotes a child and pose is referred to as asana. It aids relaxation, calmness, and stress and tiredness relief. Yoga experts recommend the kid position as one of the greatest yoga poses for mental wellness.
Features Of Balasana:
- Relaxes the nervous and lymphatic systems.
- This relaxing position relieves tension and calms the mind.
- It brings the body back into balance.
- The tension in the back, shoulders, and chest are released in this pose.
- Get down on your knees and maintain a straight spine. Make sure your big toes are touching but your knees are kept apart.
- Inhale deeply, raise your head, and lengthen your back.
- Exhale and bend forward until your chest reaches your thighs and your forehead reaches the ground beyond your knees.
- Straighten your arms to the back and place them on the floor close to your hips, or extend your arms as far as they will go in front of your body.
- Hold the position for 20 to 25 seconds.
- Inhale, elevate your head, and slowly bring your torso back up to exit the pose.
- Exhale and come out of the posture.
- Instead of laying your head on the floor, you should utilize pillows.
- If you have diarrhea, heart issues, or a knee injury, you should avoid it.
3. SHAVASANA (Corpse Pose):
Shavasana is one of the most simple asanas, here Shava means "dead body." This asana's ultimate position resembles a dead body. Shava Asana helps you relax your body while also improving your mental wellness.
Features Of Shavasana:
- Helps to reduce all types of tensions and provides both physical and mental rest.
- The entire psycho-physiological system is relaxed.
- It calms the neurons in your brain.
- The mind, which is continuously drawn to the outside world and filled with worthless thoughts, eventually travels inside, becoming absorbed as the mind becomes peaceful and absorbed.
- Keep your legs apart while lying down on your back. Maintain a distance of at least 15 cm between your hands and your torso.
- Allow the fingers to curl slightly but not too much.
- Close your eyes and keep your palms facing the ceiling.
- Maintain a straight line between your head and spine, and make sure your head does not fall to the side.
- Consciously relax your entire body.
- Allow your natural breath to become rhythmic and slow as you become more aware of it.
- Stay in this position until you feel rejuvenated and at ease.
The Shavasana does not have any precautions because it is a simple and east yoga pose.
4. UTTANASANA (Standing Forward Bend Pose):
In Uttanasana, Ut means thoughtfulness and intensity. Stretch and extend your tan. Asana translates to "position" and "workout." Uttanasana improves mental wellness by rapidly reducing depression. According to yogis, if you stay in this stance for half an hour, your depression will vanish totally.
Features Of Uttanasana:
- This asana is similar to antidepressant medication. If you're experiencing any type of depression, try it.
- If you stay in this stance for two minutes, any nervousness will vanish immediately.
- It helps to relieve head heaviness.
- It is the ideal thing to do if you are easily stressed.
- Treatment for stomach pain and liver issues. It is used to treat discomfort in women during their menstrual periods.
- It is beneficial to both the spine and the kidneys.
- Start by standing in Tadasana's stance.
- Exhale as you bend your knees slightly, lean forward from the hips, and fold your torso over your legs.
- Place your palms next to your feet or the backs of your ankles on the floor. Straighten your knees.
- Hold your head high, inhale deeply, and lengthen your spine. Try to keep the legs at 90 degrees from the floor and move the head forward towards the head.
- Take two deep breaths while remaining in this position.
- Exhale and raise your brow as close to your knees as you can.
- Hold this position for one minute while breathing deeply and evenly.
- Avoid straining the knees by keeping them straight and not blocking them.
- Inhale and raise your head off your knees, but don't immediately lift your palms off the floor.
- Take a deep breath in and slowly lift your hands off the floor, returning to Tadasana.
If you have knee, back, or heart problems, or if you have sciatica, don't do it.
5. VRKSASANA (Tree Pose):
The word Vrksa means "tree." This asana's final position resembles the shape of a tree. It is an amazing asana, which will help you reduces anxiety, and mental stress.
Features Of Vrksasana:
- It heals you emotionally and helps you combat negative moods on a regular basis, depending on a variety of emotional elements such as your general mood.
- This asana helps to relieve tension and mental stress.
- It relaxes you and aids in the reduction of panic attacks.
- Vrksasana also improves your ability to concentrate.
- Neuromuscular coordination, balance, endurance, and attentiveness are all improved.
- It tones the leg muscles while also rejuvenating the ligaments.
- Stand 2 inches apart with your feet apart.
- Concentrate on a spot in front of you.
- Exhale, raise your right leg, bend your knee, and place your foot inside your left thigh. The perineum should be touched by the heel.
- Extend your arms above your head and bring your palms together.
- Without losing equilibrium, stretch your entire body from top to bottom.
- Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds, breathing normally.
- Exhale and lower your arms and right foot.
- Relax and repeat the asana on the opposite side.
Do not use it if you have arthritis, vertigo, or a headache.
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6. SETUBANDHASANA (The Bridge Posture):
The formation of a bridge is known as setu bandha. The body is positioned like a bridge in this stance, hence the name. Catuspadasana is another name for this pose. It helps to alleviate melancholy and anxiety while also strengthening the lower back.
Features Of Setubandhasana:
- This position stretches the abdominal organs.
- It aids in digestion and relieves constipation.
- It also helps to alleviate melancholy and anxiety by strengthening the lower back.
- Lie down on your back with your palms facing down and your hands on the floor beside your hips.
- Bring the heels near the hips and apart by bending both legs at the knees.
- Inhale and build the bridge by slowly raising your buttocks and arching your spine as much as possible.
- Raise your chest, stomach, and waist as high as you can towards your head without straining.
- Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally and evenly.
- Exhale and slowly return to your initial position in savasana.
- Place the shoulders and head on the floor in the final position.
If you have ulcers or a hernia, don't do this asana, and ladies who are pregnant should avoid it.
7. MAKARASANA (Crocodile Posture):
Makara means crocodile in Sanskrit. The body is shaped like a crocodile in this asana. It is used to relieve tension and anxiety.
Features Of Makarasana:
- Lower back relaxation is promoted.
- It aids in the recovery of back issues.
- All orthopedic conditions are recommended.
- Gently lie down on your stomach.
- Separate your legs so that they are pointed outward.
- Both arms should be bent and the right hand should be placed on the left hand.
- Now place your hands on your brow.
- Close your eyes and feel the relaxing energy coursing through your veins.
Low blood pressure, significant cardiac issues, and pregnancy should all be avoided.
8. VAJRASANA (Simple Sitting Pose):
Vajrasana is a kneeling and sitting position. Even though Vajrasana is a simple position, inflexible knees or ankles might make it challenging to practice. You'll be astonished to learn that you do this asana after you've eaten.
Features Of Vajrasana:
- Enhances digestion
- Aids in the reduction of abdominal fat
- Reduces acidity and constipation and tones body muscles in the lower body.
- It improves drooping shoulders and a rounded back.
- Strengthens your sexual organs and improves blood circulation in the body
- Vajrasana soothes your mind and relaxes your nerves.
- Meditation is easier when you breathe slowly and rhythmically.
- Kneel on a yoga mat on a level area and sit on your legs.
- Keep your knees close to each other and your big toes touching, but your heels apart.
- Your heels should be in contact with the sides of your hips.
- Then maintain your back/spine straight and your palms on your thighs.
- Take deep breaths while keeping your head straight and your eyes closed.
- Maintain this position for a minute or as long as possible.
- If you have knee arthritis, avoid practicing Vajrasana.
- Vajrasana should not be done if you have a knee injury.
- Women who are pregnant should keep their knees apart and avoid putting pressure on their stomachs.
9. NATARAJASANA (Lord Of The Dance Pose):
Natarajasana is a balancing and backward bending position. Yoga intermediates are recommended to do this. The position strengthens the arms, shoulders, and thighs, among other body components. It improves the practitioner's balance and coordination as well as his or her concentration.
Features Of Natarajasana:
- Shoulders, back, legs, hips, ankles, and arms are all strengthened.
- The chest, abdomen, groyne, and thighs are all stretched.
- Provides stress and anxiety alleviation.
- Increases attention and helps to achieve a calm and peaceful mind.
- Balance, stability, and coordination are all developed.
- Mountain Pose allows the body to relax while breathing regularly. Fix your sight on a single point.
- Steps, precautions, and benefits of Natarajasana (Lord Shiva's Pose)
- Raise the leg towards the buttocks by bending the right knee. With the right hand, grasp the right big toe.
- Keep your weight on your left leg. Raise your right leg as far as you can rearward.
- Rotate your shoulder so that the elbow of your right arm points upwards as you raise the leg.
- Raise your right leg till it is towards the back of your head.
- Raise your left arm upwards, maintaining the palm facing down and the hand straight.
- Balance your body while keeping your gaze as steady as possible and breathing regularly.
- Hold the stance for 20 seconds to a minute each day, gradually increasing the time.
- Change the position of your legs and arms 2-6 times on each side, evenly.
- If you have severe back pain, cardiac difficulties, high blood pressure, duodenal or peptic ulcers, hernia, colitis, or vertigo, you should avoid performing Natarajasana.
- Do not overstretch the body or hold the pose for an extended period of time. Practice within your personal strength and flexibility limits.
10. VIRABHADRASANA (Warrior Pose):
One of the most difficult standing yoga poses is Virabhadrasana. It necessitates a significant amount of strength, flexibility, and balance. Warrior posture prepares the practitioner for forwarding bends while standing. It energizes and strengthens the entire body while also improving concentration.
Features Of Virabhadrasana:
- Neck, shoulder, and back stiffness are relieved.
- Hip fat should be reduced.
- Sciatica sufferers will appreciate this.
- Improves the body's blood circulation.
- Knees, thighs, and ankles are toned and strengthened.
- It helps digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.
- Increases stamina and improves balance and coordination.
- Taking a deep breath, step your legs apart 4-5 feet.
- Raise your arms over your head, bringing both palms together.
- Exhale and rotate your right foot 90 degrees to the right.
- Turn the left foot 45-60 degrees inwards to the right.
- The arch of the right heel must match the arch of the left heel.
- Keep the arms straight and rotate the torso to the right.
- Exhale and bend your right knee till your thigh is parallel to the ground.
- Keep your right shin parallel to the ground.
- Your right thigh and right shin will form a 90-degree angle as a result of this alignment.
- The bent knee should not go past the ankle. It has to be placed directly over the heel.
- Throughout the drill, the left leg must be stretched out and tightened at the knee.
- Look up at the linked palms with your face turned upwards.
- From a few seconds to half a minute, hold the ultimate position.
- Take many long, deep breaths.
- Reverse the movements one by one in the same manner to release the posture.
- Rep the steps on the left for the same amount of time as the right.
- If you have back problems, avoid practicing the warrior position.
- Virabhadrasana is a difficult asana. Holding it for an extended period of time can cause strain or injury.
- If you have cardiac difficulties, severe neck or shoulder discomfort, knee pain, high blood pressure, or a chronic illness, you should avoid practicing Virabhadrasana.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Which yoga is best for mental health?
The yoga asanas which are easy and simple are mentioned above. Some yoga asanas like - Tadasana, Balasana, Shavasana, Uttanasana, Vrksasana and more. These are some Yoga Asanas Best For Mental Health.
Which asana is best for removing mental stress?
Tadasana, Balasana, Uttanasana, and Vrksasana are the asanas are some of the best asanas which are used for removing mental stress.
Which yoga is best for anxiety and depression?
Uttanasana is one of the best asanas which will help you in reducing anxiety and depression.
Can anxiety be cured by yoga?
Yes, yoga will definitely help in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Yoga is also considered good for mental health.
These are the 10 Simple And Easy Yoga Asanas Best For Mental Health, which will help you in removing your mental stress, anxiety, and depression. If you practice these 10 Simple And Easy Yoga Asanas, then you will definitely observe some positive changes in your day to day which will increase your productivity, and lifestyle and help you to live a peaceful life.
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